SHGs either through Self Help Promoting Institutes (SHPIs) or through Microfinance
Institutes (MFIs).
Access to essential medicines is a matter of global concern. It was estimated that
499-649 million people (50% to 65% of the population)1 do not have regular access
to essential medicines in India. Ill health & economic losses push 22 lakhs Indian
below poverty line every year. In 1999-2000, 5% of total household consumption expenditure
went into health spending; drugs accounting for the bulk of 4%. In rural areas households
spend over 6% and urban households 5%.2 50% of total medicines expenditure goes
on buying irrational medicines.
CDMU has taken an initiative to focus on those NGOs who are providing microcredit
to the SHGs, so that interested NGOs can provide services to women’s groups to ensure
accessibility of proper health care and health products to their members and their
family when they are sick along with the loan for business.
In the last years, CDMU has been supporting a health project (Microfinance & Health
Protection Project) of Bandhan on capacity building for rational use of medicines
especially on health product related information as well as supplies of low cost
essential quality medicines for their community level volunteers.
In the rural areas it is found that there is no access to public health facilities
or retail outlet [or if available it is not cost effective] for urgent need of commonly
used health products. Therefore CDMU can enhance the access of those essential commonly
used product to the community through SHPIs and MFIs at an affordable cost. Thus
saves family income on buying medicines. In many situation it was found that many
occasion a family spend on buying unnecessary medicines like vitamin, tonics and
cough syrups or through self medication.
CDMU can expand its services to SHPIs or MFI of those areas in the following areas:
- Supply of health products like paracetamol, ORS, antacid, albendazole, iron folic
acid, oral contraceptive pills, antiseptic lotion, metronidazole, etc
- Educating the community volunteers on above products mainly on its use, storage,
doses, contraindications, etc.
- Educating community volunteers on misuse of resources for buying certain unnecessary
medicines like vitamin, tonics & cough syrups or through self-medication.
- Educating staffs of SHPIs or MFIs on storage of medicines.
Steps for expansion of services to MFIs or SHPIs:
- Contacting MFIs or SHPIs thorugh personnel visits
- Initially we shall target those MFIs or SHPIs having more than 500 credit groups
- After initial visit a list of MFIs or SHPIs will be prepared for sensitization meeting
- Sensitization meeting will be organize with the selected MFIs or SHPIs for sharing
of the concept in details and cost sharing
- The interested MFIs or SHPIs will select the groups and community volunteers for
initial training on medicines
- Select a specific place in MFIs or SHPIs for storing of medicines
- Approach to drug control authority for drug license which is mandatory for storing
of medicines and legal requirement of the land
- Select staff of MFIs or SHPIs for storing of medicines
- Supplying medicines to MFIs or SHPIs
- Feedback meeting with staffs
- Monitoring and Documentation
+ World Medicine Situation. WHO 2004
+ S Shaktiveel. Financing and Delivery of Health Care Services in India